sentronics metrology GmbH
Dudenstr. 27-35
68167 Mannheim
Fon: +49 621 84251-0
Fax: +49 621 84251-200
Key points
StraDex a is a three-dimensional measuring instrument for all SemDex metrology tools. This interferometry microscope measures vertical topography steps down to 0.5 nm and up to 100 µm with high accuracy and precision and lateral resolutions of 0.5 µm.
Such topographies are polished, grinded or etched surfaces in all semiconductor process steps and sub-micrometer thick structures in FEOL or BEOL processes as well as micrometer thick structures in Wafer Level Packaging like micro bumps, domes, UBM’s, laser grooves an many others.
StraDex a is capable to measure real topography of transparent layer that are thicker than 1 µm.
This measuring instrument usually is placed above the wafer. A fast camera with high spatial resolution provides position information to support the interferometry microscope.
Typical metrology applications are: surface roughness, profilometry and evaluation of critical dimensions in advanced packaging processes.
sentronics metrology GmbH
Dudenstr. 27-35
68167 Mannheim
Fon: +49 621 84251-0
Fax: +49 621 84251-200
Key points